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I love hats!

I am obsessed with hats. Not just any old hat, but big, flashy church lady hats. I am talking about the kind of hat that no one wants to be stuck behind on any Sunday morning because you will see nothing else. The lamp shade hat, the flying saucer hat, the stovepipe hat — the bigger the better. A hat like this will give you an attitude and make you stand up straight and walk proud. There is a reason that some women refer to these hats as crowns

Harriet Rosebud NYC

Harriet Rosebud NYC

This started a couple of years ago when I signed up for Pinterest and was browsing for things that interested me. I started off with shoes. That was natural for me because I have always loved a good pair of heels. From there, I moved on to looking at fashion – runway and ready to wear. Next thing you know, I saw photos of some Kentucky Derby hats and it was a wrap. I was drawn to those outrageous hats that served absolutely no practical purpose. Do not even get me started on the lids that were sported during the Royal wedding because no one rocks a hat– or a fascinator — like the Brits.

The Duchess of Cornwall

The Duchess of Cornwall

I see you Camilla Parker Bowles looking like you are headed to some kind of society function with tea and crumpets on the menu.

My family is from the south and my grandmother wore hats to church regularly, so my fondness of big hats is genetic. Back in the day, a woman wouldn’t dare go to church bare-headed. And for many women who toiled in menial jobs during the week, wearing a nice hat to church once per week gave them a real boost of self esteem. My grandmother had a serious hat collection, but I have no idea what happened to those magnificent brims once she passed away. I sure wish that I had one or two of those hats for sentimental purposes. Unlike back in the day, wearing hats to church regularly is no longer as prevalent now outside of certain denominations like the COGIC whose members are known for wearing gorgeous hats and matching outfits. These stylish ladies could give the royals a run for their money.

Mr. Sax Unlimited

Mr. Sax Unlimited

Donna Vinci ensemble

Donna Vinci ensemble

Otherwise, you will not normally see many hats during a church service unless it’s Easter Sunday or a special occasion like church anniversary. That is why I have to search for pictures online since it is rare for me to see a fabulous hat in real life.

Another significant hat event happened during during President Obama’s first inauguration in 2009 when people were carrying on over Aretha Franklin’s hat like it was the most unusual thing that they had ever seen. That hat had its own Facebook page. People photo-shopped that hat onto themselves, family pets and historical figures from Abraham Lincoln to Gandhi.

The (in)famous Inauguration hat

The (in)famous Inauguration hat

It was a great moment for the art of millinery. Now that Mr. Song creation was definitely impressive, but I was watching at home thinking that you would easily see something way more elaborate during a Pastor’s anniversary service because the average First Lady will go all out for her hat for that day even if she won’t for any other time.

You can buy a beautiful hat that is already made, or you can go to the next level with a couture hat made just for you. For those of us with larger heads, this is probably your best bet to insure a good fit. You can customize the fabric, decoration and height however you like. These custom hats are beautiful, but they can be pricey – I have seen some go for more than $500.

For all my fascination with hats, I do not own even one. I rarely get dressed up enough to justify buying one, so I have to live vicariously through others, but if I ever had an occasion to finally buy myself a hat, it is going to be something spectacular. Until then, I will stick with collecting photos on my Pinterest board.